Modélisation numérique et physique de l’évolution morphodynamique des littoraux sableux
English version


Berni, C., Mignot, E., Michallet, H., Dalla-Costa, C., Grasso, F. & Lagauzère, M. 2009. Diversity of bed evolution at wave and tidal scales on Truc-Vert beach. J. of Coast. Res.,  SI 56, 1726 – 1730.

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Bertin, X., Castelle, B., Chaumillon, E., Butel, R., Quique, R. 2008b. Longshore transport estimation and inter-annual variability at a high-energy dissipative beach : St. Trojan Beach, SW Oléron Island, France. Continental Shelf Research, 28, 1316-1332.

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Bonneton, P., Bruneau, N., Marche, F. and Castelle, B. 2009 Large-scale vorticity generation due to dissipating waves in the surf zone. accepted to DCDS-S.

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Bruneau, N., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., Pedreros, R., Almar, R., Bonneton, N., Bretel, P., Parisot, J-P. and Sénéchal, N. 2009bAn Field observations of an evolving rip current on a meso-macrotidal well-developed inner bar and rip morphology. Continental Shelf Res., 29, 1650-1662.

Bruneau, N., Castelle, B., Bonneton, P. and Pedreros, R  2009a Very Low Frequency motions of a rip current system: observations and modeling. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1731-1735.

Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., Dupuis, H. and Sénéchal, N. 2007a Double bar beach dynamics on the high-energy meso-macrotidal French Aquitanian coast: a review. Marine Geology, 245(1-4), 141-159.

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Castelle, B. 2009 Dynamique des littoraux sableux dominés par l’action de la houle : les apports de la modélisation et de l’imagerie vidéo. La Houille Blanche, 1, 64-70.

Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V., Bruneau, N., Price, T.D. 2009b Coupling mechanisms in double sandbar systems, Part 1: Physical explanation and coupling patterns.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. In press.

Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V., Bruneau, N., Price, T.D. 2009c Coupling mechanisms in double sandbar systems, Part 2: impact on alongshore variability of inner-bar rip channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. In press.

Castelle, B., Grasso, F., Marieu, V., Bonneton, P., Bruneau, N. 2009d Développement d’un nouveau modèle d’évolution de profil de plage. La Houille Blanche, in press.

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Cienfuegos, R., Barthelemy, E. and Bonneton, P.  2009 A wave-breaking model for Boussinesq-type equations including mass-induced effects,  J. Waterway, Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, in press.

Emmanuel, I., J.P. Parisot, H. Michallet, E. Barthélemy & N. Sénéchal 2009. Sediment transport particular events and beach profile response, J. of Coast. Res.,  SI 56, 1766-1770.

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Grasso, F., H. Michallet, E. Barthelemy, & R. Certain 2009a, Physical modeling of intermediate cross-shore beach morphology: transients and equilibrium states, J. Geophys. Res., in press.

Grasso, F., Michallet, H., Certain, R. & Barthélemy, E. 2009b. Experimental flume simulation of sandbar dynamics. J. of Coast. Res., SI 56, 54-58.

Govender, K., H. Michallet, M.J. Alport, U. Pillay, G.P. Mocke, & M. Mory 2009. Video DCIV measurements of mass and momentum fluxes and kinetic energies in laboratory waves breaking over a bar, Coastal Engineering, 56 (8), 876-885.

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Almar, R., Bonneton, P., Senechal, N., Roelvink, J.A. 2008a Wave celerity from video imaging: A new method, Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., Vol. 1, 661-673.

Almar, R., Castelle, B., Sénéchal, N., Bonneton, P. 2008b Video observation of a rapid post-storm accretionnary beach state transition on the Aquitanian Coast. Proc. 11ème International Symposium on Oceanography of Bay of Biscay, 2-4 Avril, Espagne.

Bruneau, N., Bonneton, P., Castelle, B., Pedreros, R., Parisot, J-P.and  Sénéchal, N. 2008b Modeling of the dynamics of a high energy rip current system during Biscarosse 2007 field experiment (Aquitanian Coast, France). Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., Vol. 1, 901-913.

Castelle, B., Almar, R., Bonneton, N., Bonneton, P., Bretel, P., Bujan, S., Bruneau, N., Parisot, J.-P., Pedreros, R., Sénéchal, N. 2008b Dynamics of a moderate-energy rip current over a Transverse Bar and Rip morphology : Biscarrosse 2007 field experiment (Aquitanian Coast, France). Proc. 11ème International Symposium on Oceanography of Bay of Biscay, 2-4 Avril, Espagne.

Castelle, B., Ruessink, G., Bonneton, P., Bruneau, N., Marieu, V. 2008c Modeling of coupled and noncoupled behavior of a double sandbar system: self-organization and morphological coupling, Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng., Vol. 3, 2003-2014.

Castelle, B., Grasso, F., Marieu, V., Bonneton, P., Bruneau, N. 2008d Développement d’un nouveau modèle d’évolution de profil de plage. Proc. Journées Nationales de Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Vol. 2, 49-58.

Castelle, B., Michallet, H., Marieu, V., Leckler, F., Dubardier, B., Lambert, A., Berni, C., Barthélemy, E., Bouchette, F., Bonneton, P., Kimmoun, O., Sous, D., Almar, R. 2009a A large-scale laboratory experiment of rip current circulations over a moveable bed : drifter measurements. Proc. Coastal Sediment ’09, Sept 7-11, Japan, in press, 14p. 

David de Drézigué, O., Sous, D, Lambert, A., Gouaud, F., Rey, V. 2008 Watertable response to the tidal forcing in the Truc-Vert sandy beach, J. of Coast. Res.,  SI 56.

Grasso, F., Michallet, H., Barthélemy, E. 2007 Infragravity waves in modile-bed laboratory experiments. In Coastal Sediment 07, ASCE, New Orleans, Louisianna, USA.

Grasso, F., Barthélemy, E., Certain, R., Michallet, H. 2008 Etudes expérimentales des profils cross-shore de plages sableuses. Proc. Journées Nationales de Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Vol. 2, 91-100.

Grasso, F., Michallet, H., & Barthélemy, E. 2009c. Experimental flume simulation of shoreface nourishments for storm events: Beach morphology, hydrodynamics ans sedimentology. Proc. Coastal Sediment ’09, Sept 7-11, Japan, in press.

Govender, K., H. Michallet, M.J. Alport, G.P. Mocke, & M. Mory 2009. DCIV derived flow fields for waves breaking over a bar. Proc. Coastal Sediment ’09, Sept 7-11, Japan, in press.